[Post Game Thread] The Toronto Raptors (37-14) defeat the Indiana Pacers (31-20) 119-118 in a nail biter
[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 451 指標 1小時前
What a way to set a franchise record in games won consecutively. The Raptors ended the game on a 11-0 run wtf.
[–]Pacers MySabonerRunsOladipo 53 指標 1小時前
Doesn t seem fair of the league to let you guys play against a Nate McMillan coached team when going for a record but whatever
[–]swolesocialist 326 指標 1小時前
I honestly am speechless. This Toronto team is something else.
[–]Raptors Servalarian 59 指標 1小時前
rApS aReN t CoNtEnDeRs
[–]Raptors nuwan32 28 指標 1小時前
RaPs MiGhT MaKe 8tH SeEd If LuCkY
[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 128 指標 1小時前
The highest win streak in all of Toronto sports franchises.
[–]Raptors sixfoh 13 指標 2小時前
we re the defending champs for a fucking reason
[–]Raptors nigworms 158 指標 1小時前
People think Masai really wants to leave this for a dumpster fire
[–]Raptors not_a_crackhead 68 指標 1小時前
Hey man the Knicks are a perfectly respectable franch...hahahahaha I can t do it
[–]Pacers imkunu 145 指標 1小時前
11 points in 2 minutes. Just.....fuck.
[–]Raptors 73muck 73 指標 1小時前
Well, you could also say, 0 points in 2 minutes... fuck.
[–]Pacers imkunu 52 指標 1小時前
Oh well. One day we re all going to die anyway
[–]Raptors 73muck 31 指標 1小時前
I m seriously shocked that you guys didn t call a timeout after the Ibaka 3. Set up a play, advance the ball. Instead, madness.
[–]Pacers imkunu 17 指標 1小時前
It s because Nate is a mediocre coach
[–][IND] Victor Oladipo Igloo433 188 指標 1小時前
Man this one hurt
[–]November Terra 9 指標 1小時前
Your team played well though. Definitely playoff calibre team.
Good match.
[–]Raptors Uterus_Punch 29 指標 1小時前
Raptors diamond and one press is really what got the win. Same defensive strategy that we used for the 30 point comeback against the Mavs earlier this year. You guys could hardly get the ball across the half when we used the press.
[–]Pacers elschultheis 12 指標 1小時前
The next time someone asks why Pacers fans constantly trash Nate, point them to this game
[–]Pacers KazumaKuwabara 25 指標 1小時前
Left Lamb in for the entire 3rd quarter. Unacceptable
[–]Raptors definitelynotagay 15 指標 1小時前
To be fair, he gives us PTSD
[–]Raptors pannedcakes 39 指標 1小時前
Lamb is the Raptor killer tho should ve given him the last shot.
[–]Pacers thedawh 12 指標 1小時前
This game perfectly encapsulates why Nate McMillan is the most overrated coach in the NBA. Since he was hired, this team has never been able to do simple shit at the end of the game. They can’t inbound or beat pressure. They go into exclusively iso on offense late when they have a small lead. It’s ultimately why we’re gonna lose in the first round. Again. So frustrating
[–]Pacers altofalco 244 指標 1小時前
We got destroyed by the full court press, such a heartbreaker
[–]Nether84 122 指標 1小時前
Don t feel bad, not the first team that s happened to this year. It s seen so infrequently in the NBA the players clearly forget what to do.
[–]Raptors jraiv420 46 指標 1小時前
It was in the last few minutes too, you can scheme for these kind of things tho in a 7 game series.
[–][MIL] Marquis Daniels yungtito 458 指標 1小時前
raptors full court press remains undefeated
[–]Tacos WillEatYou 34 指標 1小時前
The Nick Nurse playbook catches another dub
[–]Raptors intecknicolour 218 指標 1小時前
we reserve the full court press for dire situations.
don t see it often but then the clamp comes outta nowhere.
[–][MIL] Marquis Daniels yungtito 126 指標 1小時前
it s honestly sad how often it works
like it s the nba I thought we figured out how to beat it in college but naw
[–][TOR] Damon Stoudamire poohster33 22 指標 1小時前
It works when you have elite defenders.
[–]Raptors intecknicolour 117 指標 1小時前
it s a surprise defence. and if you aren t regularly playing against it, you re gonna be out of practice when suddenly 3 guys stop you from crossing half court.
[–]Raptors xChainfirex 52 指標 1小時前*
Toronto in a couple games this season also had issues when an opposing team used the full court press in close games. I think ATL of all teams really made Toronto sweat in a game this season!
[–][TOR] Jose Calderon MasaiGotUsNow 15 指標 1小時前
we almost blew an 18 pt lead or some shit to atlanta of all teams because of full court press
it was our bench lineup but still. Starters had to come back when it was back to 3 and win it for us
[–]Bucks CompleteSpud 42 指標 1小時前
Hawks literally did the same shit to us too, it was like our starting lineup were so surprised by it being used they forgot how to pass the damn ball for 4 straight posessions.
[–]Raptors xChainfirex 20 指標 1小時前
yep...it s like TOR and MIL players thought... wtf ATL doesn t play defense....what s happening?!?!
[–][IND] Paul George claporga 65 指標 1小時前
This one stings a lot. Just wanting Vic to get his confidence back soon, but this incredible push by the Raptors happens. Really tough one to swallow. But what a string of events for the Raps. Well deserved W! Hoping we can pick our heads up and take the good from this game!
[–]albundy66 12 指標 1小時前
The Pacers are cursed in Canada.
1-12 vs. the Raptors in Toronto since 2015-16
[–]Raptors decipherz 8 指標 1小時前
Lowry fouled at the end we lucky af LOL
[–]Raptors Mrbaby 23 指標 1小時前*
Honestly it was hell as a Raptors fan to watch! As soon as we got close to you, boom couple of 3s, 19/39 that was insane
[–][TOR] Jose Calderon isolate_spark 105 指標 1小時前
Felt like a playoff game
[–]Vegan-Kirk 17 指標 1小時前
Potential ECF right here, excellent game.
Raptors need Marc back and they are super dangerous. Pacers are super underrated too and were missing Warren.
[–]Raptors LeagueOfLeagues 56 指標 1小時前
God damnit this one hurt my heart and life expectancy. I can t take 7 games of this.
[–][TOR] OG Anunoby invertedearth 33 指標 1小時前
This is why we want the Pacers and Celtics in the 4/5 holes. Let them have all the fun.
[–]Raptors AprilsMostAmazing 9 指標 1小時前
I want Boston in 3rd. 76ers and Pacers at 4/5. Want to make sure whoever comes out the first round can take it to Bucks. Either it s the Pacers or 76ers with their size.
I want Boston 2nd round.
[–]Lakers Palifaith 97 指標 1小時前
The Raptors are on a 12 game winning streak and still trail the Bucks by 6.5 games lol.
[–]Nether84 13 指標 1小時前
That s okay, Raps just need the second seed to make noise, nobody is catching Milwaukee (including your team)
[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 132 指標 2小時前
Good thing we don t have some kind of playoff history with them to worry about
[–]Aint25 48 指標 2小時前
Not gonna lie, if y all lose to the Raptors for the 3rd time in 4 (Or is it 5?) years. Y all gonna get memed on reeeeeally hard lol. Like, near LeBronto levels.
[–]Raptors chiefwakaflocka 31 指標 1小時前
Nah nothing comes close to LeBronto. We beat the Bucks with a full team, Lebron essentially beat us alone 1 vs 5 lol.
[–]Raptors DressedSpring1 28 指標 2小時前
We’ve won 12 games in a row and we’re only one game better than the Bucks in that same period. Shit is ridiculous
[–]Raptors WhyPlaySerious 8 指標 1小時前
I know everyone is commending Ibaka (and rightfully so), but you have to give it to Siakam. He really proved that he can close in the final two minutes with all the passes, shots, defence, and even that clutch steal. He took them to the promised land, which is something that was being questioned about him.
[–]Raptors LastResort318 7 指標 1小時前
Pascal also deserves a lot credit for scoring so much at the end there to get us close. He was our offence for the last 2 minutes or so.
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