—— 斯蒂芬·茨威格《人類群星閃耀時》(1881-1942)
Paul: We Go Further
“It’s inevitable that some enterprises will die out, but there will always be others on the rise.”
“Look far into the distance, take the longest route, see beyond the destination.”
“Brave: To be brave is to do what you fear to do.”
“We should be the light if we can‘t see it. We will chase the light if we fail to be it.”
Today, at the 2020 Midea Group Annual Business Conference themed “Go Further, Shine Brighter”, Paul Fang, Chairman and CEO of MG, delivered a presentation elaborating on “Together, Go Further”, to more than 1300 core members of MG from around the globe, calling all Mideans to reflect, take initiatives and picture ahead.
2020, the starting point for the next decade, will surely be an extraordinary year. Over 52 years, MG has long been on the road less traveled, and stays true to the motto “The only constant is Change”. In a new era faced with fiercer competition, what direction should MG take and what path should we pioneer? In the last 2 hours, Paul shared his views on these issues, pinpointing the pathway that Midea shall take. The following are the highlights of his speech.
A big thank-youto all the Mideans for your contribution in 2019, a year of bucking the trend!
In 2019, the world has descended into instability and economic downturn. Despite the extensive trade war and fierce competition, we outperformed the competition and made headway. Dear Mideans, all of you are the best! I, on behalf of the Executive Committee,wouldlike to show appreciation for your endeavor, contribution, and hard work! Thank you all!
In the past three years, we have also arranged greatly for future spearheading, including USD 1.2 billion investing in R D, digitalization, and intelligence; as well as upgrades of four R D centers in Louisville, Osaka, Milan, and Stuttgart to be full-category R D centers.
Meanwhile, I am delighted to see that our team is improving, especially in 3 critical areas: executives and core staff are maintaining self-development, our large number of millennial managers is growing rapidly, while new talent is continuously being recruited. Diversity will bring real fortune to Midea’s future.
It’s inevitable that some enterprises will die out, but there will always be others on the rise. Right now, Midea is in it’s adolescence, we shouldn’t be afraid to challenge and make breakthroughs.
Survival of the fittest
Currently, confronting an unstable era, technological innovation is revolutionizing the past era, welcoming the new normal. Industrial evolution is increasing in pace.
Day by day, the competition becomes fiercer, and every enterprise is experiencing similar reforms and challenges to their existing business.
The digital era has given rise to wide-ranging value restructuring. What are users seeking? Simpler, cheaper, more convenienceor all-in-one? The Internet era is still with us; yet the IoT and Digital Intelligence eras are drawing close.
Now, management thinking is competition-driven, rather than user or product-driven; imitation and herd mentality are still prevalent. The most serious problem is that the management are thinking in the way of a Russian Babushka doll, solving new problems withan old mindset.
Is MG strong enough to keep track with GenerationZ? Will the era abandon us?
Facing the challenges, transformation and diversity are the best strategies, just as the saying goes “Survival of the Fittest”. Transformation is to change and innovate.
Facing these multiple pressures, we are supposed to consider: What are the clear long-term trendand growth logic? What is the root cause behind the change? What are the risks of the existing business? How to search for increments? Can we deploy resources, design mechanisms, and build teams with our core capabilities?
Many questions might not be answered, but there is a clear conclusion : using logic and understanding rooted in the past will not guarantee your future.
Change through innovation is the biggest increment in the era of human capital
Times change, but the vision, the dreams, the foresight, and the blueprint are unchanged. Therefore, we need innovation and evolution to help us go further. only if we are well-prepared to go further can we succeed. Making the difference today will make all the difference.
How can we comprehend “going further”?For this, you need to possess far-sighted thinking, strategy, business logic, and resource allocation so as to inspire new growth.
In order to succeed in future, Midea shall:
1. Create value with technology;
2. Open our mind and create more possibilities, for innovation is the only driver to impact world and develop the economy;
3. Put human capital first, for Midea will have a brighter future as it attracts the most competitive talents around the world. Therefore, I propose an idea to improve our working mechanism, to offer better staff care and inspire a more diversified and open company culture.
Apart from promoting endogenous growth and high-quality development, further building R D economies of scale and innovation capability, resolutely promote, business model reform, we must focus on safety and environmental protection to truly shoulder social responsibility of the enterprise.
We will firmly invest in “comprehensive digitalization andintelligence” which is a pivotal step in the innovation transformation and the most crucial strategy of MG, to make more forward-looking layout.
Go Further,
Embrace a New World
“One may get God’s favor when he finds his mission in the prime of his life. It is perhaps a man‘s greatest fortune to find the purpose of his life in the middle of the journey, when he is at his prime time and most capable to make a difference. ”
-- Decisive Moments in History by Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)
We also need to define our mission even in the middle of our journey, if we want to go further. We shall dare to do what we have never done.
I deeply believe that the best time of Midea is still ahead of us. We have experienced, so we trust. Because we trust, we see. What Midea people believe today , that will be Midea’s future.
All of us should move on with our dreams in my mind. We aren’t necessarily the firework ablaze in the big city, but we should be the shining light of our own story!
We should be the light if we can‘t see it.We will chase the light if we fail to be it.
The road we‘ve traveled is the path to our future!